THE ROBERT MANRY PROJECT - MANRY AT SEA ~ In the Wake of a Dream. The story of a dream that came true



A Liberal Sprinkling of Kudos All Around

The Robert Manry Project is the work of an entire community of interested fans, creative professionals, supportive families, and friends. It’s gratifying that Robert’s simple pursuit of his dream, one that he accomplished largely on his own, has inspired so many diverse people to pitch in. Here are some of the many people who are making the Project go:

Marjorie Wystrach transcribed Tinkerbelle’s handwritten log.

Paul Soady provided his unique expertise in forensic typography.

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Many people helped put this website together and offered valuable advice on everything from css coding to tossing a bowline in a bight. Here are a few of shout-outs…

:: BlazingBright Websites :: Steve W worked from design sketches by Paul S to create the The Robert Manry Project website masthead and overall page layout.

:: Bluehost ::
Provides the excellent hosting services for I really appreciate their excellent customer service, available 24/7, which is pretty much when I need it.