THE ROBERT MANRY PROJECT - MANRY AT SEA ~ In the Wake of a Dream. The story of a dream that came true


Tinkerbelle's gurgling wakeTinkerbelle’s gurgling wake…

Logbook of Tinkerbelle – Part 4

Monday, June 21

I’ve been sitting in the cabin cooking myself some breakfast. It’s been raining a downpour so I’m thankful to be inside. Must get going now though.

It was a wonderful sailing day and I think we must have covered about 60-70 miles. Late in the afternoon I stopped for a sun shot. It put us at about 56º25′ W and I think we’re at about 40º N. I’ll get a noon shot tomorrow to see.

Sailed on, after some supper and letter writing, until several hours after sunset.

Tuesday, June 22

Had a nice, quiet restful sleep. Arose just after sunrise and got going. Looks like it’ll be another wonderful day, so we’ve got to make the most of it.

It was a very nice day, sunny with a breeze of just the right intensity to make Tink frisk along. Toward evening the breeze picked up so I took a tuck in the main sail. We continued until about 9:30 p.m. EST. That would be about 10:45 p.m. for this time zone. The breeze was getting too strong so we called a halt for the night.

I’ve noticed an “amusing” thing about the waves. Every now and then a wave will sort of break away from its fellows and come surfing over, against the flow of the other waves, and give Tinkerbelle a smack, usually in the rear end. It’s almost as though these particular waves couldn’t bear to have Tink pass by without receiving their attention. These may be slaps, but I prefer to think of them as love taps.

The gurgling of Tink’s wake makes some funny sounds. Sometimes it sounds like someone is down there trying to talk under water. Once I had to look over the stern to make sure.

Wish I could hear something from Virginia and the kids. Hope they’re getting along all right. The glass front of the barometer got smashed this night somehow. I hope it still works though.

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